Amazon Machine Learning – Does it really learn?

The term “Machine Learning” today has to be in everybody’s mouth. No software company may show up on the market without having a product which does not have at least a tag attached labeled with this buzzword. One of the most famous cases is Amazon, which – for example – promotes its product called “Amazon Machine Learning”. They claim that

The service uses powerful algorithms to create ML models by finding patterns in your existing data. Then, Amazon Machine Learning uses these models to process new data and generate predictions for your application.


But how far does this “learning” go already? If you listen to the news, you could assume that in the future, learning is no longer a task for humans anymore, but soon will only be done by machines. Let’s see how far real life really is. Continue reading ‘Amazon Machine Learning – Does it really learn?’ »

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Safe Mode for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GT-P5100) w/ Android 4.0.4

By chance I got hold of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GT-P5100) running a quite ancient Android 4.0.4. It was infected by the GVU / BKA Trojan Horse. The usual tricks to bring the device into Safe Mode did not work, Continue reading ‘Safe Mode for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GT-P5100) w/ Android 4.0.4’ »

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Onkyo TX-SR608 und zu geringe Spannung

Manche Sachen dauern Jahre, bis man es überhaupt geschafft hat, den Grund dafür zu finden. So geschehen bei meiner Stereoanlage, die ich durch einen Onkyo TX-SR608 fast ausschließlich per HDMI betreibe. Symptomatisch äußerste sich diese zunächst sehr merkwürdig: Sobald ich auf eine der Tasten drückte, um das Overlay On-Screen-Display (OSD) zu starten (z. B. Video- oder Audio-Taste), wurde das Bild plötzlich “schwarz” und der blaue Bildschirm wurde angezeigt, als ob ein Signalfehler vorläge. Allerdings kam das OSD auch dann nicht hoch, wenn ich einen Quelleingang selektiert hatte, an dem gar kein Gerät angeschlossen war, d.h. so oder so nur der blaue Bildschirm angezeigt wird. Continue reading ‘Onkyo TX-SR608 und zu geringe Spannung’ »

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OpenVAS – Broken Debian Installer Packages

Recently, I have read an article in a computer magazine on the vulnerability scanner OpenVAS. It sounded interesting and that was why I wanted to try it out. OpenVAS provides a live virtual appliance container file for demo purposes. Trying to install it into a VMWare Player, I was not able to get it running. As it appeared to be related to an incompatible library on the image, I decided to install a new Debian 7.5 Wheezy image as VM. All the steps necessary for install and setup can be found on the OpenVAS website. Continue reading ‘OpenVAS – Broken Debian Installer Packages’ »

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Windows 7 Firewall Prevents Access from Foreign Subnet

By default the firewall of Windows 7 is configured in such a way that the firewall only accepts connections from one of the subnets for which the system has at least one network interface. All other connections are blocked by default. This may become tricky as soon as your network has multiple subnets, for example, if you are using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) setup. Continue reading ‘Windows 7 Firewall Prevents Access from Foreign Subnet’ »

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Cornwall – Leitartikel

Blick auf die Bedruthan Steps nahe Padstow in Cornwall

Blick auf die Bedruthan Steps nahe Padstow – eines der schönsten Flecken in Cornwall

Jedes europäische Land hat so seine Eigenheiten. Das gilt nicht zuletzt auch für einen Besuch auf der größten Insel Europas – Großbritannien. Welche Besonderheiten mir bei meinem Besuch 2013 in Cornwall aufgefallen sind, Continue reading ‘Cornwall – Leitartikel’ »

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